Fast, Friendly & effective care

Fast, Friendly & effective care

Fast, Friendly & effective care


To The Fix Chiropractic

We offer chiropractic care on a walk-in basis with wait times generally less than 10 minutes. 

Our team of experts work on not only treating pain but educating  and empowering people with what they can do to improve their own health naturally. We also use a variety of the latest & cutting-edge technologies to provide solutions for those suffering from Neuropathy, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, and Plantar Fasciitis, going beyond mainstream chiropractic care.

Our Services

Featured Services

Our services aim to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. We offer a wide range of specialized services, therapies, & techniques to make your journey to lasting wellness as efficient and effective as possible.


Knee Pain

Shoulder Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

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guy running

where does it hurt?


A headache is a very generalized term given to pain that is felt in the head or sometimes the neck. There are many different types of pain associated with headaches ranging from acute localized discomfort to a more generalized ache. Some headaches may appear suddenly and only last for a short period of time while others may build gradually and last for several hours.

where does it hurt?

Neck pain

Neck pain is a relatively common ailment, of which most of us will experience at least once in our lifetime. In most cases, neck pain will improve and disappear on its own, but if you frequently suffer from this problem, or find that conventional ways of relieving your pain are not working, you may want to consider chiropractic care.

where does it hurt?

Shoulder pain

The shoulder joint is one of the most complex joints of the human body. The shoulder depends on multiple systems of ligaments, muscles and tendons. These systems work together to stabilize the shoulder and provide functional movement along with allowing other supporting joints to do the same.

where does it hurt?

Joint pain

As people age, it is a common often belief that the pain and discomfort associated with our joints is a normal occurrence that we are forced to live with. While our joints can experience levels of degradation as we age, the pain and reduced mobility that is often associated with arthritis doesn’t have to be something that we suffer through. Instead, let's review some of the facts around chiropractic care and how it can be beneficial in treating the pain associated with arthritis.

where does it hurt?

Wrist/Hand pain

As the professional community ages, the diagnoses of carpal tunnel syndrome continue to rise. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly associated with the repetitive movement related to typing on a keyboard with improper hand positioning. Carpal tunnel syndrome creates a burning, numbness, or tingling sensation in the hands or wrists and can occur on one or both sides.

where does it hurt?

Lower Back pain

Lower back pain is an exceptionally common complaint and it is estimated that 80% of Americans will suffer from it at some point during their lifetime. Lower back pain is also a leading cause of absence from work due to ill health, even though more than half of all cases are believed to be a direct result of the patient doing a job that involves continual sitting.

where does it hurt?

Hip pain

Hip pain can be temporary or chronic, and can be caused by a range of different factors, the most common of which is osteoarthritis. Patients with osteoarthritis experience inflammation of the tissues around the joint including damage to cartilage, and this can lead to pain, stiffness and mobility issues. Less commonly, hip pain can be caused by other issues with the musculoskeletal system such as problems with the shape of the bones, infections or fractures. The good news is hip pain can nearly always be improved using chiropractic treatment.

where does it hurt?

Knee pain

Knee pain is a very common issue, and in most cases, occurs as a result of an injury to the joint and surrounding soft tissue. This can be from an individual event or as a result of overuse, such as through playing sport. Stiffness and inflammation often accompany knee pain, and you may find it difficult to use the joint as you would normally. Chiropractic treatment is highly beneficial at treating knee pain and its associated effects, as well as the underlying cause.

where does it hurt?

Plantar Fasciitis

The content coming soon!

where does it hurt?


Neuropathy, or peripheral neuropathy, refers to damage or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, which can cause pain, numbness, sleeplessness, loss of balance, and weakness, usually in the hands and feet.

meet our Team

The Fix Chiropractic provides full-service chiropractic practice needs to ensure you and your family are healthy and happy. Meet our caring and compassionate team committed to providing top-quality chiropractic care.

Dr. David Russ


Stacey Pinkham

Office Manager / Case Manager



Discover firsthand experiences and testimonials from our valued patients as they share their thoughts and feedback on our services and care.
"I am grateful & humbled after my husband had Softwave Therapy at Dr.David Russ’s office. Pain in his knee was excruciating day & night. I tried all kinds of ointments & heating pads with very little short term relief. Hiis first treatment at “Dr.Fix It” I call him, the pain was almost all gone. Now my husband has absolutely no pain at all. We don’t know how to express our gratitude to Dr. Russ & his team. These are some respectable, respectful, caring & Godly Care Givers. We most highly recommend this service to everyone with joints pain. "

Millicent P.

"Have been going to them for over a month now. Dr Russ and his staff are some of the friendliest and professional people that I have placed my treatments in their hands. They are personable and really make you feel comfoortable with what they are doing. Bitter sweet when the day comes when I am healed and don’t have to go back. But I would certainly buy them a cup of coffee "

Christopher J.

"Dr Russ explained everything to me and I am confident my future treatments will greatly improve my daily life. Annie was so kind and helpful getting me set up as a new patient and scheduling me at convenient times for fuuture visits"

Linda L.

"Dr David and Stacy are great at what they do.  This chiropractor is one of the best I have ever been to, and I have been to a lot.  Dr. Dave listens to what you have to say before an adjustment.  I have had multiple soft wave TRT treatments at other places and my results are always better here. Stacy listens to you and follows the protocol for soft wave to the T.  They have reasonable prices and have you health as their utmost concern.  The Soft Wave TRT treatment seems like a miracle to me,  it has gotten rid of 90 percent of my back pain.  It was a lifesaver for me."

Casey W.

"The first chiropractic care I’ve ever felt comfortable buying a membership and returning! No high pressure sales strategy. Easy check in process, friendly staff and efficient to allow you to continue with your day. Dr. Russ is personable and accommodating for any areas that may need increased focus."

B I.

"Dr Russ explained everything to me and I am confident my future treatments will greatly improve my daily life. Annie was so kind and helpful getting me set up as a new patient and scheduling me at convenient times for future visits."

Linda L.

"Dr. Dave Russ at The Fix in Wilmington NC provides exceptional care for his patients. He's an excellent provider of chiropractic adjustments. His office also offers softwave therapy for certain cases. I've known him for years and he's certainly committed to his patients and his profession."

Arian K.

"I've only seen Dr. Russ twice now, mostly for lower back issues, and I'm extremely impressed! Definite improvement with pain and range of motion. It's a very laid back, but professional environment, and Dr. Russ is quick, but efficient, and provides good results!"

Lisa S.

"I came into town for the holiday, had a random conversation with my family about some of my back issues and the next thing I knew, we were walking in for my first appointment.  Everyone in the practice was so kind and inviting.  I tried a new technology for nerve pain that came highly recommended by my cousin, called Sofwav.  Ya'll.  Do this.  Anyway,  I was grateful for the experience and if lived in town, I'd be a regular customer for sure!!!!   Thank you!"

Christina D.

"I had unbearable shoulder pain. Went in for an adjustment and Dr Russ talked to me about soft wave therapy decided to try it. Stacy is amazing she did my therapy. Stacy is kind and professional and you know she cares!  My shoulder pain is gone and I can’t thank them enough!!!"

Sandis P.